Assessment Center

Welcome to the 十大电子游艺平台首选 Assessment Center!

Your success is our top priority! It's important to know which classes are right for you, from the program you want to pursue to the level of English and math you'll need for it—and that's where the Assessment Center comes in. We're here to help you on your journey to success at 十大电子游艺平台首选!

Whether you're in need of course placement, specialized testing or an industry certification, we offer a wide variety of assessments to help you meet your educational, professional and personal goals.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Let us help! Call the Assessment Center at 509-547-0511 or email%20us today!

Placement Zoom Sessions

  Assessment Center Zoom  

We understand that you may have questions about your placement options and testing. We're here to help! Drop into an open Zoom session to speak with a 十大电子游艺平台首选 placement specialist who can review your high school transcripts, answer questions about the Directed Self Placement, how to qualify for Running Start, submitting test scores and guidance about next steps. Our staff is here for YOU!

Zoom Hours:

Tuesdays: 2:30 pm to 4:15 pm Zoom link

Wednesdays: 7:30 am to 9:30 am Zoom link

Thursdays: 2:30 pm to 4:15 pm Zoom link

  • You may access Zoom from mobile phones, tablets, desktops and laptops.  Your microphone and webcam must be on.
  • Designated session times are open.  No appointment necessary. 
    Picture ID is not required for general information, however, you must show a valid picture ID to receive specific information about your 十大电子游艺平台首选 record.
  • Visit our FERPA web page to learn more about how we protect your privacy as a 十大电子游艺平台首选 student.
  • If you require accommodations or an interpreter, please contact us!
  • Visit the Zoom website to download the Zoom App and activate your Zoom account.
  • Choose the appropriate Zoom session by clicking on the link above.
  • You'll first be placed in a waiting room. When a staff member is available, you'll be invited into a breakout room for personal assistance.
  • Need help? Contact the Assessment Center at 509-542-4860.
  • Closed captions are available. Sessions will not be recorded.

How can we help?

1. First things first! You'll need to complete an online admission application and receive your acceptance letter with your 十大电子游艺平台首选 student ID number.

Apply today!

2. In your acceptance letter, you'll be instructed to complete your Getting Started steps. One of these steps directs you to complete placement. Placement testing is FREE for students applying to 十大电子游艺平台首选.

Getting Started

We know how important it is for you to place into the right English and math classes, and we offer many different ways to assess your skills! Visit our Placement Options page to learn more about your options.

Testing for a union? Contact us! You can reach the Assessment Center at 509-547-0511 or by%20email to learn how to schedule an appointment and pay the $40 testing fee. Bring the receipt to your testing session along with a current picture ID to expedite your appointment!

1. Bring your current photo ID.

The Assessment Center is unable to provide testing services if you do not have a valid photo ID.

2. Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment.

Give yourself time to get checked in and ready to test!

3. Leave your personal belongings.

To maintain testing security, all personal items (including cell phones, calculators, food, drinks, etc.) will be collected prior to your test. 十大电子游艺平台首选 cannot assume responsibility for the loss or damage of anything brought into the Assessment Center. Pencils, paper and an online calculator will be provided during your test, if applicable.

4. Tell your support person you'll see them when your test is finished.

Friends or relatives will not be permitted to accompany you into the testing room.

5. Pay your test fee prior to your testing appointment (if applicable)

Most test fees can be paid on campus at Hawk Central, conveniently located adjacent to the Assessment Center. Hawk Central accepts cash, personal and cashier's checks, money orders, Visa and MasterCard.

Services for qualified students with disabilities are available! Students who have documented learning and/or physical disabilities need to request testing accommodations by contacting 十大电子游艺平台首选 Disability Support Services at 509-452-4412, by%20email or by visiting Room T422 in the T Building on the Pasco campus before scheduling a placement test.

Learn More

The 十大电子游艺平台首选 Assessment Center subscribes to the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines and is committed to providing excellent testing services for students and residents in our community. We are devoted to recruiting qualified employees dedicated to eliminating barriers and promote success for diverse and everchanging populations. The Assessment Center adopts intentional practices that combine emotional wellness and performance in a positive learning environment.  

Visit the NCTA website for more information.

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